Most people get confused with similar sounding words. TAN and TIN are one of those and may create confusion. In this post, we have explained the concept of TAN Number & TIN Number. But before moving to TAN and TIN, let first understand the concept of Tax Deduction.
TAN stands for Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number. It is a ten digit alphanumeric number that allotted to those who are supposed to deduct tax at source or TDS. TAN number or TAN registration is very important for businesses deducting tax at source and is required to be quoted in TDS or TCS return. TAN number consists of 10 digits, starting from four alphabets followed by five numbers ended with one alphabet. Example of TAN number is: PMPG 02811 S
TAN Registration in Delhi means Tax Deduction and Collection Number (TAN) is mandatory and an Online TAN Registration process in Delhi having 10 digit alpha numbers required to be obtained by all persons who are responsible for Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) or Tax Collection at Source (TCS) on behalf of the Government in Delhi or in India. Tax deducted at source (TDS) ensures that the Government's collection of tax is proposed and the responsibility for paying tax is diversified. The person deducting the tax at source is required to deposit the tax deducted to the credit of Central Government - quoting the TAN number which is registered by an Online TAN Registration Service provider in Delhi. Individuals who are salaried are not required to obtain TAN. However, a proprietorship business and other entities (i.e., Private Limited Company, LLP, etc.) must deduct tax at source and while making certain payment like salary, payments to contractor or sub-contractors, payment of rent exceeding Rs.1,80,000.00 per year, etc. On deducting tax at source, the entity registered for TAN will issue a TDS Certificate as proof of collection of tax.
To obtain TAN, application must be made for allotment of TAN in Form 49B along with the required supporting documents by an Online TAN Registration Service provider in Delhi. Based on the application, TAN Registration Service Provider in Delhi will apply for TAN Number and then TAN will be allotted to the entity and then furthermore the business entity shall quote the TAN in all TDS/TCS returns, TDS/TCS payment challans and all TDS/TCS Certificates. SK Tax Law Firm Delhi can help you obtaining your TAN Registration quickly and hassle-free. SK Tax Law Firm Delhi is a firm of repute having skilled professional manpower dealing in Online TAN Registration Services in Delhi, GST Registrations in Delhi, Income Tax Consultant in Delhi as a facilitation Centre.
The TAN deductor is required to quote TAN number in every correspondence related to TDS or TCS. Failing to apply for TAN or not quoting the same on the specified documents attracts a penalty. It is compulsory to quote TAN in TDS/TCS return (including any e-TDS/TCS return), any TDS/TCS payment challan and TDS/TCS certificates.
As discussed above, every person liable to deduct tax at source or collect tax at source is required to obtain TAN. However, a person required to deduct tax under section 194-IA can use PAN in place of TAN as such person is not required to obtain TAN. Further, a person required to deduct tax under section 194-IB shall not be required to obtain tax deduction account number (TAN). As per section 194-IB (as inserted by Finance Act, 2017), any individual or HUF [whose books of account are not required to be audited under section 44AB] is liable to deduct tax at the rate of 5% while making payment of rent of any land or building or both to a resident person if amount of rent exceeds Rs. 50,000 for a month or part of a month.
Section 203A also makes it mandatory to quote TAN in following documents: (a) TDS statements i.e. return (b) TCS statements i.e. return (c) Statement of financial transactions or reportable accounts (d) Challans for payment of TDS/TCS (e) TDS/TCS certificates (f) Other documents as may be prescribed.
TAN once allotted can be used for all types of deduction and collection. In other words, it is not necessary to apply for different TAN if the deductor has to deduct tax from different types of payment such as salary, interest payment, etc.
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